Should you ever buy eBooks?


That is a great question. I don’t think that you should ever have to pay to gain access to information, although many people do and I sell it them to, although at the end of the day, the internet is information and you can find anything you’ll find in any eBook on the internet, somewhere.

The main people buy eBooks is becuase the “sales-page” contains a load of good-features, like how you can earn $1000 in a day and what not, yeah sure it’s possible if you work 24 hours of that day and you get lucky, apart from that, it’s not going to happen.

I’d suggest you stay away from money-making eBooks and just read this blog, you can find blogs on everything and most eBook information will also be on a blog aswell, so their isn’t much differnce. Apart from reading a blog is free and the ebook is

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